The Lunatic Farmer to the Rescue
Version 1:
Do you know that the largest merger in Germany was between the company that sells Roundup the chemical spray that kills weeds and causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Bayer, the pharmaceutical company that sells the cancer treatments to treat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. These two companies were able to form the perfect merger.
Combined the new single company found the perfect product portfolio.
The lead product is sprayed onto the land giving people disease and then the following on product is the cancer treatment that was caused by the chemicals sprayed on the crops.
Straight up evil but genius.
After the big tobacco settlements in the 1990s, tobacco companies began to invest in the processed food market. They took same exact playbook. Step one: add addictive properties to food. Step two: that market with the Joe Camel penis nose advertising of our processed foods to make people addicted to unhealthy foods. Step three: add more sugar. We consume 4500% more sugar today then we did 300 years ago.
The American Heart Association recommends that most adult women consume no more than 24 grams (6 teaspoons) sugar per day, and most adult men consume no more than 36 grams (9 teaspoons) sugar per day.
What is our actual consumption? The average American adult consumes about 68 grams (17 teaspoons) of sugar per day – which is about 200-300% of the recommended amount. Most Americans today consume an astonishing 4500% more sugar per year than the average person did in the 1700s.
In 1700, people consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year.
By 1800, people consumed about 22 pounds per year.
By 1900, people consumed about 90 pounds per year.
By 2012, over 50% of Americans consumed a half pound of sugar per day – or, over 180 pounds of sugar per year. *Reference
Unless you make every single thing you eat, it is impossible to eat healthy.
RFK posted about the pork industry which is some serious fucked up shit, considering pigs are pretty intelligent beings and maybe even have consciousness.
In these industrial pig warehouses, they trapped the pigs in like sardines. It's cruel to the pigs and these food companies purposely ran out all the regular small farmers out of business by making these industrial farm conglomerates with the destructive farming practices. Farming practices that have stripped away the proper mineral required to grow nutritious food.
The bottom line, folks, is that people are not smart. People who you think are smart are not smart. There's like 1% of smart people on this planet, and if you happen to be one, it's time to fucking step up. And if you don't think you're smart, you're not so please just back away from the control center, you.
Except for Joel Salatin Joel should have his hand on the wheel.
Joel Salatin who is known as the lunatic farmer was just named to Trump government’s new USDA. I am excited to see regenerative farming being brought back to our nations bread basket!
Check out The Lunatic Farmer Website
Version #2
Here's a disturbing thought: The largest merger in German corporate history created a company that both causes and treats cancer. When Bayer merged with Monsanto, they combined Roundup (a weed killer linked to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) with pharmaceuticals that treat the very same cancer.
It's a perfect closed loop - spray chemicals that make people sick, then sell them the cure.
This isn't an isolated case. After the massive tobacco settlements of the 1990s, Big Tobacco didn't just fade away - they pivoted into processed foods. They brought their whole playbook with them:
1. Add addictive ingredients
2. Target consumers with sophisticated marketing
3. Pack everything with sugar
Speaking of sugar, the numbers are staggering. We're consuming 4,500% more sugar today than we did three centuries ago. Let that sink in. Here's the breakdown:
- 1700s: 4 pounds of sugar per person per year
- 1800s: 22 pounds per year
- 1900s: 90 pounds per year
- 2012: Over 180 pounds per year (that's half a pound per day!)
The American Heart Association recommends adults consume no more than 24-36 grams of sugar daily (6-9 teaspoons). The average American? We're hitting 68 grams (17 teaspoons) - triple the recommended amount.
Even if you try to eat healthy, the deck is stacked against you. Take the industrial pork industry - they've systematically pushed out small farmers in favor of massive operations that treat intelligent, possibly conscious beings like factory products. These industrial farming practices aren't just cruel to animals - they're stripping our soil of minerals needed to grow truly nutritious food.
Here's the hard truth: Most people running our food system aren't as smart as you think they are. There's maybe 1% of truly intelligent people on this planet who understand these issues. If you're one of them, it's time to step up. If you're not sure, maybe it's time to step back from the control center.
There is hope though. Joel Salatin, known as the "lunatic farmer" for his regenerative farming practices, was just appointed to the USDA. Finally, someone who understands sustainable agriculture might have their hand on the wheel.
The point isn't to despair - it's to understand that our food system didn't get this way by accident. It was engineered this way. And if it was engineered one way, it can be re-engineered another. But first, we need to see it for what it is.